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Bin 10L TallAir Caddy Ventilated with plastic handle (fits 10 Ltr Liner) - Vegware

Bin 10L TallAir Caddy Ventilated with plastic handle (fits 10 Ltr Liner) - Vegware
TallAir Bin, kitchen food scrap collection for the heavier user, removes the yuck factor. Use with 10L certified compostable liner product code FP BG187020. Some of the practices we grew up with, such as disposing of our kitchen food scraps with the general weekly waste collection, is harmful to our environment. Sending organic refuse to landfill is not just a waste of valuable organic materials but causes serious problems in landfill. Organics in landfill generate massive quantities of climate change gasses, cause the accumulation of toxic leachate that can leak into our water systems and soils and when the landfill is full results in unstable land. Landfills are becoming increasingly expensive to operate and finding the next one presents huge costs, all of which we as ratepayers must fund' will the next landfill be near you?

For most people collecting food scraps at home or in the workplace is very unpleasant. However the ventilated bin system has overcome the Yuk factor and has proven in many countries to be the world's leading user-friendly system for collecting food scraps and separating organic waste otherwise sent to landfill. The simple yet special bins on this stand are the key or link to many significant 'downstream' environmental benefits making collections even pleasant.

The MaxAir and TallAir ventilated bins need the unique BioBag liners made from Mater-Bi, this special material is designed to 'breath', allowing oxygen to reach the organic waste so the contents decompose aerobically. This minimizes odor, moulds and flies while still an effective barrier against bacteria and viruses. Bin ventilation also allows moisture to evaporate through the bag wall dehydrating the contents by around 20% for the average family. With water content reduced or the 'slop' removed the waste is better conditioned for handling and composting. The 'reduced' contents, bag and all can be placed in the compost or a green waste collection system. The bins have a flush wall-mounting slot or are typically used under or on the bench top. Everyone loves the MaxAir bin system; we constantly receive only positive feedback and confirmation that 'they really do work'.

The MaxAir and TallAir bins are hygienic and easy to keep clean eliminating the 'Yuk factor'. If a collection bin system is used the BioBag liners also keep these bins clean encouraging long-term participation. This prevents the need for extra labour to clean and excessive use of detergents and water; also collection bins are typically washed outdoors polluting storm water and streams.

Tests by the Norwegian University of Agriculture found that with the MaxAir system there was no bad smell detected. Airborne moulds were lower and CFU (colony forming units) were significantly lower. With organics removed form the general waste a decrease in animal attacks on curbside rubbish bags is also a typical outcome because of the reduced smell.
Collection of organics is more problematic; there are issues of convenience, cost, the yuk factor, infrastructure, health, safety and hygiene, for consumer, carriers, compost plant operators and city authorities. The MaxAir system provides internationally proven solutions to all these issues. It is simple, convenient, hygienic, cost-effective and an environmentally sound way to collect and process organic and food waste. It out performs all other systems achieving very high levels of householder satisfaction wherever it is used, one of the key reasons some countries in Europe achieve almost 90% diversion of total waste from landfill.

Fits Biobags BG187020
Item dimensions: 24 x 28 x 32cm high
Width 24cm. Length 28cm. Volume 10L
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NZ$ 27.98 excluding GSTPrice Match Guarantee
NZ$ 32.18 including GST
FP BNA11469 Indiv
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